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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Can he help his Hindu brother by giving him money

Can he help his Hindu brother by giving him money?
What should my attitude be and how should I help my Hindu brother who is about to get married? Please note that he has stood by me a great deal. He stood by me with regard to paying off my debt. On one occasion when the Hindus were attacking my religion, he stood up to them and defended me. Can I support him materially and stand by him until he is married?.


Praise be to Allaah.

There is nothing wrong with upholding the ties of kinship
with your kaafir brother by giving money and gifts, especially as he has
helped you in the past. So you should reciprocate for that. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):

“Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with
those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of
your homes. Verily, Allaah loves those who deal with equity”

[al-Mumtahanah 60:8]. 

And Allaah is the source of strength, may Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions. End quote. 


Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah wa’l-Ifta’ (25/379)

From learning Quran online Blog 

And important note that we want to discuss and share with you it is about Quran reading and doing Quran recitation online to understand it, Ramadan is the month when the beautiful the Holy Quran has been revealed.  A miracle by the creator of the worlds, Allah (SWT)  Should we not glorify him by reading quran the gift he has sent down for us and learn Arabic Quran by heart  to feel the power of it and we as Muslim should try to learn quran with translation to understand it  wile we do Quran memorization and let our heart fill will tears of glory and wash away our sins in the month of Ramadan many people teach quran  and we should participate in teaching quran as much as we could because it is the noble cause to spread the word of Allah and the quran tutor will get the reword in the day of judgment “Will they not meditate on the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts”, Quran for kids , Surah Muhammad, Verse 24. Here is an interesting tajweed quran reciter where you can listen to quran from top Koran reciters and read the Koran with different translation and plz link to it and share it to promote islam

End from online Quran reciter blog



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