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Monday, October 17, 2011

Understanding the Uniqueness of the Qur'an

3. Study of the Sources of Ideas:

At this stage, i.e. after verification of authenticity of the authorship
of a book, and after thorough study and analysis of its contents, we come
to the stage of exploring whether the contents of the book comprise of
its author's own original ideas, or, the ideas have been borrowed from
some other source. For instance, in studying Hafiz's works, after verifying
the authenticity of the verses and making their analytical study, we have
to see whether these themes, ideas and thoughts that have been incorporated
into Hafiz's poetry and poured into the moulds of his words, phrases, couplets,
language and style, are actually the creations of Hafiz, or whether only
the words and phrases and the beauty, art and craftsmanship reflected in
the verses come from Hafiz, whereas the thoughts and ideas belong to someone
else, or have been borrowed from another source. After ascertaining his
artistic originality, the intellectual originality of Hafiz's works has
also to be established. 

This kind of study regarding Hafiz, or any other author, implies the
study of the source and roots of the author's ideas and thought. This sort
of study is secondary to an analytical study; that is, firstly the contents
of the author's thought should be completely understood, and afterwards
an attempt should be made to identify its roots and sources. Otherwise,
the result of one's effort will be something like the works of certain
writers of history of various sciences, who write without any thorough
knowledge of the subject, or similar to the works of those writers of philosophical
books, who undertake, for instance, a comparative study of Ibn Sina and
Aristotle, without any knowledge of either. After superficial comparison
and on discovering some literal similitudes between the works of the two
great thinkers, they immediately sit down to pass a quick judgment. Although,
for the purpose of a comparative study, very deep and profound knowledge
of the ideas and thoughts of both of the philosophers is required. A lifetime
of study is necessary for such a task; otherwise, it has no more value
than can be given to blind imitative conjectures. 

For the study and understanding of the Qur'an, an analytical study must
be followed by a comparative and historical study. That is, the contents
of the Qur'an should be compared with other books that existed at that
time, specially the religious ones. For the purpose of such a comparison,
it is essential to keep in mind the conditions and relations of the Arabian
peninsula with other parts of the world, and the number of educated Arabs
living in Mecca at the time. Only then we can arrive at an estimation of
the influence of other books of those times on the contents of the Qur'an,
and if we find something common in them, discover its proportions. We can
then see whether the material that has been borrowed from other books is
used in an original manner or not. Does the Qur'an go even further to the
extent of playing a role in amending the contents of those books and setting
right the errors occurring in them? 

From learning Quran online Blog

And important note that we want to discuss and share with you it is about Quran reading and doing Quran recitation online to understand it, Ramadan is the month when the beautiful the Holy Quran has been revealed.  A miracle by the creator of the worlds, Allah (SWT)  Should we not glorify him by reading quran the gift he has sent down for us and learn Arabic Quran by heart  to feel the power of it and we as Muslim should try to learn quran with translation to understand it  wile we do Quran memorization and let our heart fill will tears of glory and wash away our sins in the month of Ramadan many people teach quran  and we should participate in teaching quran as much as we could because it is the noble cause to spread the word of Allah and the quran tutor will get the reword in the day of judgment “Will they not meditate on the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts”, Quran for kids , Surah Muhammad, Verse 24. Here is an interesting tajweed quran reciter where you can listen to quran from top Koran reciters and read the Koran with different translation and plz link to it and share it to promote islam

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