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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Belief that sudden death is because of magic/witchcraft

Belief that sudden death is because of magic/witchcraft
i am an american lady married to an arab man and in his town, people seem to believe that when someone dies, especially if they suddenly got sick and passed away, it is because some evil "sahar" or magician


placed a spell on that person in order to make every-one believe that he/she died, and then this magician takes the "dead" person and imprisons him/her to become a slave.  what is the ruling in islam concerning such beliefs?  has this been heard of before?

could it really happen?  as a foreigner and convert to islam, i don't know what to believe in this aspect and i am real confused.  please clear this up for me.

thank you


Praise be to Allaah. 

What is mentioned in the question is completely wrong.
The person who dies suddenly is just like anyone else who dies, for
whatever reason: his soul leaves his body, and the soul is a matter
of the unseen which is known only to Allaah. Some groups of innovators
(followers of bid’ah) believe that when a person dies, his soul moves
to another body. This is known as tanaasukh
(transmigration of souls), and this belief is something which is known
to be essentially false according to the religion of Islam.                  

‘Abd al-Kareem al-Khudayri.

 This is appalling kufr and falsehood,
and is one of the results of denying the torment of the grave. We ask
Allaah to keep us safe and sound.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Following note from Learning Quran online Blog 


Learn holy Quran online which it self states in it that only those who are learn quran and pure should touch the holy text: This is indeed a Quran in Arabic in a book well-guarded, which none shall touch but those who are clean (56:77-79).  One should make formal ablutions before handling or Quran reading and this the quran tutor should tell in his quran teaching when quran for kids lessons are going on. After intercourse or menstrual bleeding one should not touch the holy Quran or do quran recitation and also not do quran memorization until after bathing non-Muslim should not handle the sacred text, but may listen to Quran online or read quran translation or exegesis. With all these things in mind when one is not reading or reciting holy Quran it should be closed and stored in nice and clean place, it should never be placed on floor or in a bathroom and Muslim should focus on reading quran the tajweed quran and its rules with a proper institute.

End of the note by holy Quran reciter

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