man harm his beautiful wife with the “evil eye”?
to say to his wife that she looks beautiful should he always say mashaa’Allaah, or is
this excessive?
Praise be to Allaah.
the “evil eye” is real, as the Prophet
(peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said: “The evil eye is real, and if anything were to overtake
the divine decree (al-qadar) it would be the evil eye.” (Narrated by
Muslim, 2188, from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas).
Al-Bukhaari (5048) and Muslim (2187) narrated the first
part of this hadeeth from Abu Hurayrah.
the evil eye usually comes from people who are jealous or envious (hasad).
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
Everyone who gives the evil eye is jealous, but not everyone who is
jealous gives the evil eye… then he said:
It begins when the person likes something, then his evil soul dwells on
the matter, and by continually looking at the person who has the thing of which he feels
jealous, he directs his venom towards him. A person may put the evil eye on himself, or he
may put the evil eye on someone else without intending to, because it is is a part of his
nature. This is the worst type of human being. Our companions and other fuqahaa’
said: if someone is known for this, he should be detained by the imaam (leader), who
should spend on him and provide for him until he dies. This idea is absolutely
correct… (Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/167).
In the hadeeth, it says, “A’oodhu bi
kalimaat-Illaah it-taamah min kulli shaytaanin wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah
(I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from every devil and vermin and from every
envious eye).” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3191) from the hadeeth of Ibn
The meaning of “vermin” (haammah) is
lethally poisonous animals and insects.
The meaning of “envious” (laammah) is that which
causes harm because of jealousy (hasad).
Although it is correct that the evil eye comes from people who feel
jealous (hasad), it may also come from a person who is not jealous but merely likes
something, because of the hadeeth: “Whoever among you sees something in himself or in
his possessions or in his brother that he likes, let him pray for blessing for it, because
the evil eye is real.” Narrated by Ibn al-Sunni in ‘Aml al-Yawm
wa’l-Laylah, p. 168; and by al-Haakim, 4/216. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Kalim
al-Tayyib, 243.
This hadeeth explains that a person may harm himself or
his wealth – and no one feels jealous of himself – but he may harm himself with
the evil eye by admiring himself, so it is even more possible that he may harm his wife in
the same way.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
And a man may put the evil eye on himself. (Zaa’d
al-Ma’aad, 4/167).
a man may harm his wife with the evil eye by looking at her and
noticing her beauty and admiring her, even if he does not actually say to her “You
are beautiful.” It is mustahabb for him to say, “Allaahumma baarik fihaa
(O Allaah, bless her).”
It was reported from Abu Umaamah ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf that his father
told him that the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went
out and they travelled with him towards Makkah until they reached Shi’b al-Khazzaar
in al-Juhfah. Sahl ibn Hunayf washed himself, and he was a white man with a handsome body
and skin. ‘Aamir ibn Rabee’ah, the brother of Bani ‘Udayy ibn Ka’b,
looked at him when he was washing, and said, “I have never seen anything like this,
not even the skin of a virgin in seclusion!” (this was a metaphor for the intense
whiteness of his skin). Then Sahl suffered a seizure (an epileptic fit, in which he fell
to the ground). He was brought to the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) and it was said, “O Messenger of Allaah, do you know what has happened
to Sahl? By Allaah, he cannot raise his head and he will not wake up.” He said,
“Do you accuse anyone with regard to him?” They said, “‘Aamir ibn
Rabee’ah looked at him.” So the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) called ‘Aamir and spoke angrily with him, saying, “Would any
of you like to kill his brother? If you see something that you like, why do you not pray
for blessing for it?” Then he said to him (‘Aamir), “Do ghusl for
him.” So he washed his face, hands, elbows, the soles of his feet and inside his
izaar (lower garment) from a vessel, then that water was poured over him (Sahl) – a
man poured it over his head and back from behind, tilting the vessel. This was done to
him, then Sahl went on with the people and there was nothing wrong with him. (Al-Musnad,
3/486. Al-Haythami said: the men of Ahmad are the men of saheeh. Al-Majma’,
When they like something, some people say “Ma sha’ Allaah
laa quwwata illa Billaah (That which Allaah wills (will come to pass)! There is no
power but with Allaah)”. They take as evidence for this an aayah in Soorat al-Kahf
and a hadeeth.
The aayah in question is (interpretation of the meaning):
“It was better for you to say, when you entered your garden:
‘That which Allaah wills (will come to pass)! There is no power but with
Allaah!’” [al-Kahf 18:39]. But this is not evidence (daleel), because
the subject of the aayah has nothing to do with hasad (envy); in fact, Allaah
destroyed his garden because of his kufr and transgression.
The hadeeth in question was reported from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah
be pleased with him), saying that the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) said, “Whoever sees something that he likes, and says, ‘Ma sha
Allaah laa quwwata illa Billaah’, the evil eye will not affect him.” But
this hadeeth is da’eef jiddan (very weak)!
Al-Haythami said: this was narrated by al-Bazzaar from the report of
Abu Bakr al-Hudhali, who is da’eef jiddan (very weak). (Majma’
al-Zawaa’id, 5/21).
And Allaah knows best.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Following note from Learning Quran online Blog
Learn holy Quran online which it self states in it that only those who are learn quran and pure should touch the holy text: This is indeed a Quran in Arabic in a book well-guarded, which none shall touch but those who are clean (56:77-79). One should make formal ablutions before handling or Quran reading and this the quran tutor should tell in his quran teaching when quran for kids lessons are going on. After intercourse or menstrual bleeding one should not touch the holy Quran or do quran recitation and also not do quran memorization until after bathing non-Muslim should not handle the sacred text, but may listen to Quran online or read quran translation or exegesis. With all these things in mind when one is not reading or reciting holy Quran it should be closed and stored in nice and clean place, it should never be placed on floor or in a bathroom and Muslim should focus on reading quran the tajweed quran and its rules with a proper institute.
End of the note by holy Quran reciter
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